9 research outputs found

    The Effect of Physical Activity on Lymphocyte Count in Smokers Who Consume Black Cumin Seed (Nigella Sativa L.) Oil

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    Twenty percent of the total number of human leukocytes is lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are responsible for the control of the adaptive immune system. Physical activity is any body movement that requires energy to do it. Physical activity is related to changes in a person's immunity so that it can reduce the risks of diseases such as obesity, hypertension, diabetes, cancer, and stroke. Black Cumin Seed Oil (BCSO) in various studies has been widely used as a supplement, especially as an immune-modulator. The purpose of this study is to see the effect of physical activity on lymphocyte levels in smokers who have been given Black Cumin Seed Oil for 30 days. This study used a single-blind Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) method, with a total of 36 test subjects divided into four groups. Group 1 received placebo 3x1 capsules/day, group 2 received BCSO 3x1 capsules/day, group 3 received BCSO 3x2 capsules/day, and group 4 received BCSO 3x3 capsules/day. The intervention was carried out for 30 days, then on the 31st-day blood was drawn for analysis. Data analysis using an independent t-test to see the average group with high and low activity, while to see the average lymphocyte between treatment groups using one way ANOVA test. The test results were said to be significant if p <0.05. The p-value of the independent t-test is 0.045, and one way ANOVA test p-value is 0.343. In conclusion, physical activity can increase lymphocyte levels significantly, but not on BCSO administration

    Clinical Conditions and History of Illness Among Terminal Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

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    End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is one of the public health problems in Indonesia. This study aimed to determine the clinical condition of premorbid and the incidence of ESRD. The study design is a case-control. The number of volunteers involved in this study was 100 patients. The cases were ESRD patients who were determined by the criteria of Pernefri and the controls were patients from the same hospital who were not ESRD by the requirements of ESRD Pernefri. Inclusion criteria of the study sample were ESRD sufferers need routine hemodialysis and doctor\u27s diagnosis supported by laboratory data, 15-75 years old and willing to fill out inform consent. Exclusion criteria for the study sample were patients with congenital kidney disease, Have a history of kidney transplants, and mental disorder. We collected demographic data, and patient\u27s clinical and drug history from medical records. Chi-square analysis with 2x2 tables and the Fisher\u27s exact test were used to determine the relationship of clinical conditions and history of disease with the incidence of ESRD. The results showed that anemia, hyperglycemia, and hypertriglyceridemia were related to the prevalence of ESRD. History of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and family history of ESRD are associated with an increased incidence of ESRD

    Health Education Improve Behavior and Self-efficacy on Personal Hygiene Among Children with Intellectual Disability

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    Personal hygiene is one of the basic human needs and must be kept clean, including scalp and hair, eyes, nose, ears, nails of hands and feet, skin and overall body care. Health education on personal hygiene is still concern not only for healthy children but also for children with disabilities. One of the ways is with audiovisual methods. This study aimed to analyze the effect of health education on personal hygiene with audiovisual methods. The study design used was pre-experiment without a control group. The number of samples was 30 using total sampling technique. Knowledge of personal hygiene before health education (pre-test) was mostly insufficient category, after being given health education (post-test) mainly was in proper group. The pre-test attitude was in low category, and the post-test was still the same. Pre-test and post-test of behavior were mostly being practiced. Pre-test and post-test of self-efficacy were in low category. There was an influence of health education on personal hygiene with audiovisual methods on the level of knowledge in intellectually disabled children (p<0.05), but there was no effect on attitudes, behaviors, and self-efficacy in intellectually disabled children

    Black Cumin Seed Oil Increase Leucocyte and CD4Thelper Number in Sprague-dawley Rats Induced with Dimethylbenzanthracene

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    Cigarette smoke contains 7, 12 dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA). Metabolic of DMBA is immunosuppressive. Black cumin seed oil (BCSO) is an immunomodulation. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of BCSO on leukocyte, CD4Th and CD4CD25Treg in Sprague-Dawley (SD) mice induced with DMBA. The 96 SD rats were divided into 8 groups of 12. Group I received aquabidest and standard feeding. Groups II, III and IV received BCSO (an equivalent of 6.8, 68 and 136 mg/kg BW / day thymoquinone, respectively). Group V received thymoquinone (50 mg / kg BW / day) and group VI received tamoxifen (60 mg / kg BW). Group VII (DMBA) was induced with DMBA (10x20mg / kg BW for 5 weeks). Group VIII received standard feeding and corn oil treatment. In the third week, all groups began to be induced with DMBA (20 mg/kg BW twice per week for five weeks). Data collection of leukocytes, CD4Th and CD4CD25Treg was performed at week 27th. The mean difference of CD4Th and CD4CD25Treg counts between groups was calculated with one way ANOVA. Results: The administration of BCSO, thymoquinone, and tamoxifen had increased leukocytes and CD4 Th cell count. The CD4Th cell count of the treatment groups was higher than that of the DMBA group (p <0.05). BCSO equivalent doses of 6.8 and 68 mg/kg BW / day thymoquinone showed immunoprotective effects. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the BCSO administration at doses of 6.8 and 68 mg/kg BW / day shows immunoprotective effects due to DMBA induction

    Benefit of Brown Rice Feeding on Elderly Insomnia

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    Difficulty falling asleep or insomnia is one of health problems in elderly. Age is one of the risk factor of insomnia. Tryptophan in brown rice can stimulate the formation of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that causes someone sleeps easily. This research used quasi-experimental design with pretest posttest without control group. Population in this research is 20 elderly persons in Budi Luhur Nursing House unit of Kasihan, Bantul. Result experiment shows that 7 elderly persons have improvement in difficulty falling asleep or insomnia. Improvement of insomnia degree in elderly may be caused by the tryptophan in brown rice. Elderly persons can consume brown rice as alternative food for improving insomnia

    Islamic Boarding School's Curriculum Management Modernization

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    Amrozi, Shoni Rahmatullah. How to be Agreat Leader: Meniru Seni Kepemimpinan Rasulullah dari Teori hingga Praktik, Yogyakarta: Safirah, 2016. Azra, Azzumardy dalam Sanaky, Hujair. Paradigma Pendidikan Islam: Membangun masyarakat madani di Indonesia. Yogyakarta : Satria Insan Presss, 2003. Beane, James A. Curriculum Integration and the Disciplines of Knowledge, Phi Delta Kappa Internasional, 1995. Benjamin Samuel Bloom, George F. Madaus, dan J. Thomas Hastings. Evaluation to Improve Learning, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1981. Depdinas, Permendiknas No 22/2006, Lampiran, 3, Jakarta: Depdinas, 2006. Dhofier, Zamakhsyar. Tradisi Pesantren :Studi Pandangan Hidup Kiai dan Visinya Mengenai Masa Depan Indonesia, Jakarta: Pustaka Nasional, 2011. Djamas, Nurhayati. Dinamika Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia Pasca Kmerdekaan, Jakarta: Radja Grafindo Persada, 2009. Fogarty, Robin. How to Integrate the Curricula, USA: Skylight Pub, 1991. Giroux, M. Theory and Resistance in Education, London: Heina mans, 1983. Halim, Rr. Suhartini dan M. Choirul Arif, A. Sunarto AS, (eds), Manajemen Pesantren, Yogyakarta: PT. Elkis Pelangi Aksara, 2005. Hamalik, Oemar. Dasar-Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007. Hamalik, Oemar. Dasar-Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum, Bandung:PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007. Hamidi. Metodelogi Penelitian Kualitatif, Malang: Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, 2004. Kohn, Alfie. The Case Against Standardized Testing: Raising the Scores, Ruining the Schools, Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2000. Kurniawan, Deni. Pembelajaran Terpadu Tematik?; Teori, Praktik, Dan Penilaian, Bandung: Alfabeta, 2014. Milles, Huberman, Saldana. Analisis Data Kualitatif, Edisi III, Penerjemah Tjejep Rohidi, Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia, 2014. Mohtar, Afandi. Kitab Kuning dan Tradisi Akademik Pesantren, Bekasi: Pustaka Isfahan, 2009. Pamela D. Tucker and James H. Stronge, Linking Teacher Evaluation and Student Learning (Alexandria: Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development, 2005). 17 Qomar, Mujamil. Manajemen Pendidikan Islam “Strategi Baru Pengelolaan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam”, Jakarta: Erlangga, 2007. Sanaky, Hujair. Paradigma Pendidikan Islam : Membangun masyarakat madani di Indonesia. Yogyakarta : Satria insan Presss, 2003. Shoba, Makhosazana Edith. "A Case study: The Role of School Management Teams in curriculum management." A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Education, School of Education and Development University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2009. Siyono,2016. “Relevansi Kurikulum Pondok Pesantren Dengan Era Globalisasi (Studi Pada Pondok Pesantren Al-Manar Dan Al Mas'udiyyah Kab. Semarang Tahun 2015)”, Tesis, IAIN SALATIGA. Solihin, Mohamad. “Modernisasi pendidikan pesantren: Studi kasus di Pesantren Darul Lughah Wal Karomah Kraksaan Probolinggo”, Tesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, 2016. Steenbrink, Karel A. Pesantren, Madrasah, Sekolah: Pendidikan Islam Dalam Kurun Modern, Jakarta: Lembaga Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerangan Ekonomi dan Sosial, 1986. Zais, Robert S. Curriculum Principles and Foundation. New York: Harper & Row Publisher, 1978

    Infeksi Escherichia Coli melalui Konsumsi Air Gentong pada Warga Dusun Kradenan di Kabupaten Kulonprogo yang Mengikuti Kegiatan Ziarah Makam

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    Latar Belakang: Pada tanggal 01 Mei 2018, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Kulon Progo menerima laporan adanya 4 warga Dusun Kradenan dirawat di Puskesmas Sentolo I dengan gejala sakit Perut, diare dan muntah. Diketahui ada acara makan bersama di Musholla X malam sebelumnya. Namun, gejala sakit juga dialami warga yang tidak mengikuti acara tersebut tetapi mengikuti kegiatan bersama lainnya yaitu ziarah makam ke Gunungpring, Magelang. Investigasi kejadian luar biasa (KLB) dilakukan untuk mengetahui besarnya masalah dan penyebab kejadian. Metode: Studi kasus kontrol dilakukan dengan definisi kasus adalah orang yang mengkonsumsi makanan/jajanan dan minuman dari kompleks makam Gunungpring Magelang tanggal 29 April 2018 dan 05 Mei 2018, dan mengalami salah satu gejala yaitu sakit Perut, mual, muntah, diare, pusing dan demam. Wawancara dilakukan dari rumah ke rumah. OR diperoleh dengan analisis bivariat. Sampel air sisa warga dan air dari lokasi ziarah makam diperiksa di laboratorium. Hasil: Ditemukan 52 kasus (AR=41,6%; n=125) dan tidak ada kematian. KLB terjadi pada 2 rombongan peziarah yang berangkat di waktu berbeda. Gejala utama berupa sakit Perut (86,54%), mual (75%) dan diare (73,08%). Masa inkubasi rata-rata 42 jam 39 menit. Air gentong memiliki AR tertinggi diantara jenis makanan/minuman (85,7%). Analisis bivariat menunjukkan air gentong sebagai sarana penyebab infeksi (OR=27,0; CI95%=8,52-89,80). Mikroba patogen Escherichia coli ditemukan pada sampel air sisa warga yang belum sempat diminum dan air gentong dari lokasi ziarah makam. Kontak langsung dari tangan peziarah ke air gentong, tercemarnya peralatan minum dan distribusi air, kondisi gentong berukuran besar yang sulit dibersihkan dan adanya toilet dalam kompleks makam dapat menjadi sumber kontaminasi air dalam gentong. Simpulan: Terjadi KLB infeksi Escherichia coli di Dusun Kradenan Kecamatan Pengasih Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Peningkatan higienitas lingkungan dan air di lokasi ziarah makam, sosialisasi pada warga untuk memasak air sampai mendidih sebelum dikonsumsi dan mencuci tangan pakai sabun setelah buang air besar merupakan langkah awal untuk pencegahan kejadian serupa